Passover 2024 was highlighted with several presenters within our Fellowship. John Short led with the opening inspirational Historical significance of Passover. John honed in on some very specific details that bring revelation and continuity from this Historical and relevant moed that is still very meaningful and powerful.
Passover 2024 wouldn't be quite the same if we didn't take time to reflect and examine how Yahshua Messiah had great significance to this timeless moed. Follow along as Caleb delves into Scripture and shares how blessed we are to celebrate this Passover season because of Yahshua.
Passover 2024 Special reading from "The Kingdom Calendar" by S.D. Smith. This book is about our Creator's Moedim (appointed) times. One chapter is on Passover and this is the chapter that Jon Beevers shares with us. We have found that this is a great resource book that will enhance your journey in understanding and applying the instructions concerning Yah's Moedim.
Ever struggle with knowing how to read and study Scripture? Does it seem difficult at times? Do you find yourself wandering back and forth with no direction in your Bible study? Heidi brings very clear and helpful instructions on how to be more focused and intentional in your Bible study that will help you have clarity and conviction.
Parshah # 49 Ki Tetze "When You Go Out." We will explore 10 principles that will show us how we can stay close to Yahweh. These practical truths are found in Deuteronomy 23.
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Parshah # 50 Ki Tavo "When you enter in." This week's parshah has many things we could have looked at. We chose to reflect on how and what we do after we have been given such a great gift for Yahweh.