Links with Torah Minded People
We believe it's important to have "Links" with the greater community of fellow believers in Messah Yahshua. Torah minded people who are trying to walk according to our Father's instructions and Yahshua's declaration that we are to be the light of the world. There are so many good folks out in the greater community. These are just a few that we have been blessed by and hope you will be as well.
Disclaimer: While we enjoy our brethren who share their passion and content online for all of us to enjoy, we may not always agree with them. By linking them we are in no way saying we are affiliated with them or they with us. We simply recognize our brethren and their labor of love to live the Walk. I've adopted this cliché from a brother that fits so well here: "Listen to everyone, follow none." We are to follow Yahshua and the Word given by our Creator, Father, Yahweh.
(Not necessarily Torah folks but great content for us to enjoy)
(Not necessarily Torah folks but great content for us to enjoy)